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See the future: best futuristic styled houses

Most of us want a house that fits in the neighborhood. Of course we have to make it a little bit better than other people but we usually go for the safe choice: Victotian, contemporary and so on.

A house that is completely different and innovative is just for the bold and braves (with money let’s face it).I’m glad that there’s some people that can go mad with home designs. A house that can make an impact in the landscape always makes me smile.

We don’t know much about the future, but we all believe that green energy and computers will have a great impact in our homes.  Some say that our lives will be powered by the sun and wind and everything in our places will be maintained by computers!! What do you think about that?

Some designs that Home Design Ideas will show you are real. Others are just in paper…yet!

House of Birds

This is a real house design by Portuguese architect Bernardo Rodrigues. This beautiful home is located in S. Michael ‘s island, in Azores.

House of Birds

The Komb house

This is a real project thought by Karim Rahid that has an Eco friendly design. The Komb house has panel heated water, energy efficient appliances, reuse of pluvial water and low energy LED lighting  Its materials, such as wood, metal, glass and solar panels can be reused. The inside of the house is divided into areas: play, eat, sleep and cleanse.

The Komb House

Tornado proof home

Architect Ted Givens, in collaboration with 10 Designs, sketched a house that’s able (in paper) to resist a tornado. How can it do that? I have to quote to explain: “ Hydraulic levers pull the Kevlar-coated house into the ground when high-velocity winds pass by. The high-tech structure’s roof then locks so water and wind can’t enter.” This is the simplest resume of the thing. If this project comes to reality it could save many many people.

Tornado proof home

H3 House

Located in Athens, Greece, this amazing looking house was designed by firm  314 Architecture Studio. It look was inspired in yachts and in water itself. This house collects geothermal energy.

H3 House

California  Roll House

This is a concept house designed by Christopher Daniel. It’s thought specially for the desert. This prefabricated house can shape itself according to determined settings. It«s carbon shell reflects the heat from the sun.

California  Roll House

Constructed or not, these houses have one thing in common: combine technology with the environment. These designs get the most out of materials and try to make them Eco friendly.

We don’t know almost nothing about the years to come, but if these ideas spread the world, our future generations will have more quality of life.


Sources: Home Design Lover, Forbes

Images: The Apricity,HNSTRCT, Architecture List, Design Boom, Homedsgn


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