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Carlyle Designs: Between Traditional and Modern, A Bespoke Attitude

carlyle designs

Carlyle Designs is an interior design firm from NYC that masters the blend of traditional and modern in an unparalleled way. Jordan Carlyle, the creative mind behind this company, usually leans towards a distinctive luxury aesthetic on his projects – with great results! If you don’t believe us, keep scrolling and have a look at some mesmerizing creations by Carlyle Designs. You can thank us later!

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Carlyle Designs: Between Traditional and Modern, A Bespoke Attitude

carlyle designs

It’s through an eclectic mix of elegant, clean lines and sleek, monochrome schemes with pops of rich color, bespoke bronze and gold detailing mixed with antique pieces, that Carlyle interweaves old and new world for a decidedly modern finish. He has completed projects in New York City, Los Angeles, Washington D. C., the Hamptons, Long Island and Miami, among others.

Carlyle Designs: Between Traditional and Modern, A Bespoke Attitude

Working for both international commercial and residential projects, it’s impossible not to notice the firm’s potential when it comes to creating living spaces that are functional and beautiful in equal doses. It’s not about the space itself, it’s about the atmosphere – we can all agree on that! Jordan Carlyle makes it seductive, adventurous and inspiring!

Carlyle Designs: Between Traditional and Modern, A Bespoke Attitude

carlyle designs

Jordan Carlyle also formed Carlyle Collective, a curated furniture line featuring his own designs as well as other designers’ work – you can check it here and make sure you also visit Carlyle Design’s website here. Feel free to be inspired!

Take a look at Top 20 Largest Development Projects in NYC (Part III)

Carlyle Designs: Between Traditional and Modern, A Bespoke Attitude


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